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Создать чат-бот для HR - бот для рекрутинга и подбора персонала


A set of solutions for automating HR work: hiring, adaptation, training, surveys, document flow, communities

Quiz for employees

The bot tests knowledge and entertains employees.


Hard skills interview

The GPT bot checks an applicant's knowledge: it asks questions and evaluates the result.

Employee authorization in the bot

The bot verifies employees in the staffing table.

Document approval system

The bot helps to automate the HR workflow in the company.

Feedback on adaptation

The bot interviews a new employee and saves the answers to a table.

Outdoor job advertisement with QR code

The bot qualifies an applicant, tells about a vacancy and sends a response to the HR department.


The bot prepares an employee to go to work.

Corporate store

The bot issues corporate currency and exchanges it for bonuses in the virtual store.

Autoposting on Telegram

The bot publishes informational news in a Telegram group or channel according to the planned schedule.

Payment collection in group

The bot helps to collect money from group chat participants.

Moderation in Telegram group

The bot deletes messages from participants who are not registered.

Chatbot for Secret Santa

Registers and pairs participants for anonymous gift exchange.


Happy birthday greetings

The bot saves a participants’ birthdays and automatically sends congratulations to the group.

Employee pre-boarding

The bot prepares new employees to go to work.


Colleague feedback

The bot collects feedback from employees.
