header.phone_number boris@borisbot.com

Chatbots for groups, channels and communities in Telegram, Slack


A set of ready-made solutions for automating work in groups and communities in Telegram, Slack

Chatbot for Secret Santa

Registers and pairs participants for anonymous gift exchange.


Introduction of participants

The bot asks the newcomer to tell about himself, saves the answers and introduces the participant to the group.

Moderation in Telegram group

The bot deletes messages from participants who are not registered.

Autoposting on Telegram

The bot publishes informational news in a Telegram group or channel according to the planned schedule.

Happy birthday greetings

The bot saves a participants’ birthdays and automatically sends congratulations to the group.

Launching a bot by message

The bot recognizes the keyword in group messages and helps you schedule an event.

Payment collection in group

The bot helps to collect money from group chat participants.

Telegram group ad

The bot sends an advertising message to the group according to the planned schedule.

Telegram channel draw

The bot publishes a post, checks the subscription to the channels and randomly selects the winner.

Group moderation bot

AI chat-bot recognizes and deletes unwanted messages in Telegram.


It protects Telegram groups from spammers.

Bot for channel subscription

The bot checks the subscription to the Telegram channel/group and issues a bonus.