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Employee onboarding bot

The bot meets the employee, tells him the rules of work in the company, helps him on the first day.

You need to log in to see the interactive example.

You need to log in to see the interactive example

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The first day in the company is very important - a person goes to a place where he does not know anyone and immediately encounters various services that can create the wrong impression.

We made a template for adaptation on the first day in order to help a person immediately navigate through a single window: get a clear scenario of actions, find out all the necessary information, involve all services.

How will the bot solve these problems?
  1. The bot is launched by a QR code or by an event from your system.
  2. Meets the user, shows him the INTRO video.
  3. Issues a list of tasks and monitors execution at the end of the day.
When is it especially useful?
  1. You have a lot of people going out and you do not have time to devote time to everyone.
  2. You want to show new employees a high level of attention and care.
  3. The first day in your company is associated with the involvement of different services.
The template is suitable for adaptation of any employees: couriers, teachers, managers, programmers.

How does it work?

Wellcome video on employee onboarding
A good video involving top people in the company will help convey your values. A small quiz can be added to the script to help you understand how these values are combined.
Examples of tasks for the first working day when adapting an employee
You can add or adjust tasks for the first day. Tasks may be different. The bot can help you complete documents, conduct a quest tour of offices or make an intro in corporate chats, and help you choose mentors. (It all depends on your imagination).
The bot will collect data on the adaptation results for you in an interactive table, as well as remind beginners of what they forgot to do.
What to do with the template?
  1. Click the template and add it to your project.
  2. Write your adaptation program plan (if you have difficulties with this, write to us — we will share a template).
  3. You will need to write down the tasks of the first day, as well as add options for solving them.
  4. In order for you to be able to run this template automatically from your system, you will need to use another script called (auto run). Plus, on your part, you will need to configure sending an HTTP request from the user's email.
  5. Always test scripts before running them on a small group of users.
If you have any questions, write to us on Telegram.