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AI Assistant Constructor

Hi! On the BuddyBot platform, you can create an AI assistant with GPT.
What can it do?
Communicate in natural language, answer questions, analyze and save data, and much more.
Sign up
You can create a bot with artificial intelligence for different business scenarios👇
  • Support

    Recognizes customer requests and advises on your knowledge base

  • Sales

    It qualifies leads and closes deals

  • Moderation in communities

    It recognizes stop-words, deletes messages, blocks participants

  • Studying

    It tests students and evaluates knowledge

  • Recruitment

    It qualifies applicants and conducts interviews

Where does the bot get the data from?
The Internet or Knowledge Base is your PDF document: manuals, instructions, answers to frequently asked questions, etc.
To do this, there are two blocks in the constructor: a chat with the Internet database and assistant.
In the constructor, you will find a GPT Assistant who answers questions about the platform's operation. It works on a knowledge base uploaded to platform.openai.com in a PDF document.
Test the AI Assistant👇 
How do I create a GPT Assistant?
Watch the video with the setup of the GPT Assistant, which will work with your knowledge base👇
GPT fine-tuning
You can flexibly manage the GPT settings:
✔️ Choose a GPT model, including the GPT-4o 
✔️ Transmit data with the context of communication 
✔️ Limit the length of responses 
✔️ Set the degree of GPT improvisation in the answers
And where does the AI assistant work?
On a website, in a browser, SMS, email and on all popular messengers: Telegram, WhatsApp, Slack.
The functionality of the constructor allows you to save user queries and GPT responses in a single table in order to analyze data and improve the knowledge base.
For more information about the constructor's capabilities, visit our ChatGTP chatbot Marketplace.
How much does it cost?
Integration with ChatGPT is available on all plans, starting with the free one. Additionally, you need to pay for a ChatGPT subscription.
On the Business plan, we can help with ChatGPT payments for users from Russia.
What's the easiest way to get started?


in the BuddyBot and OpenAI Platform


Try templates

Use Templates, Youtube, and Knowledge Base to set up scripts.


Plan with training

On Business plan with PRO support, we can help you build a solution on Zoom.

How do I learn how to set it up on my own?
With the help of our training resources: YouTube channel, Telegram chat, Knowledge Base.