header.phone_number boris@borisbot.com

Knowledge test bot

The bot tests students in a playful way and automatically calculates the result.

You need to log in to see the interactive example.

You need to log in to see the interactive example

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This is an example of the bot that can ask questions, automatically award points and calculate the result. You can create your own educational quiz with unique tasks and automatic verification.

When is it useful?
  1. Want to make learning more fun?
  2. Spend a lot of time manually checking assignments.
Difficulty level: easy – can be configured by any user.
Setup speed: depends on your scenario.
Versatility: suitable for private teachers, teachers of schools, universities.

How does it work?
The bot is launched by a link in a browser or messenger and starts a dialogue on behalf of the teacher.

The bot offers to solve tasks in different formats: choose one or more options, or write your own. For each correct answer, 1 point is automatically awarded.

After the test is completed, the bot will automatically calculate the number of points, save the student's contacts and send him the result. Notification can also be set to the teacher's email.

What to do with this template?

  1. Add a template to the project.
  2. Create a bot design – choose a background, avatar and font.
  3. Think over the scenario of your quest and build it on the platform. Use the blocks “timeout”, “predictable answer”, “buttons with one answer option”, “buttons with multiple answer options”, “carousel”, “respondent's photo”, “plain text”, “file”. Add texts, photos, videos, files, coordinates. To set up scoring – specify the action "Add/subtract points" opposite the correct/incorrect answers. The result is reflected through the global variable "score".
  4. If required, add the bot to the messenger: Telegram/Vkontakte/Facebook.
  5. Test the bot.

If you have any questions, write to us on Telegram.