GPT Knowledge Check
GPT bot checks and evaluates knowledge.

You need to log in to see the interactive example.

You need to log in to see the interactive example
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Teachers spend a lot of time and effort every day to check how students learn. Artificial intelligence can help reduce the burden on learning. We made an example of an AI bot based on GPT, which can test and evaluate knowledge itself. To do this, you need to give the assistant several inputs: subject, topic, number of questions. The bot will select questions, conduct testing and evaluate the result.
To prevent students from cheating and finding answers on the Internet, we added logic with a time limit for each answer. The bot only takes into account those answers that are given during this time.
This bot requires an account on the Open AI platform.
How it works
You send a student a link to the bot. The assistant is launched in a browser or messenger, he explains the rules and asks questions. In the template, we asked the AI to ask 3 random questions on the topic and rate the answers on a scale of 1 to 10.

GPT generates and sends a question that must be answered in free form within 30 seconds. The time can be adjusted or this limitation can be removed. If a student answers on time, the bot accepts and evaluates the answer.

All questions, answers and test results are saved in the table.

How to set up the bot
1. Register in the BuddyBot constructor, create a project and add the template.
2. Connect the ChatGPT connection to the constructor and add the AI installation.
3. If necessary, connect the messenger in the "Settings" section.
4. Test the bot.
⚙️ There are detailed setup instructions inside the template.
If you have any questions about self-setup, write to the community in Telegram.